Media Center Episode 23

Podcast Ep. 23 Vid. 1

ПЛАТЬЕ = a dress (and is a neuter noun). What are the neuter versions of “my” and “your”? Listen…

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Моё платье, правильно?
My dress, correct?

Нет, это не твоё платье.
No, it’s not your dress.

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Podcast Ep. 23 Vid. 2

ЛЕКАРСТВО = medicine (and is also a neuter word). What is the formal neuter version of “your”? Listen…

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Вот вам фрукты.
Here are fruits for you.

И подушки.
And pillows.

А вот ваше лекарство.
And here’s your medicine.


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Podcast Ep. 23 Vid. 3

ОЧКИ = eyeglasses
What about the plural forms of “my” and “your”? Can you spot them in this clip?

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Хм… может быть там мои очки?
Hmm…Maybe my glasses arethere?

Нет! Твои очки у тебя на носу.
No! Your glasses are on your nose. (More literal translation: You’ve got (your) glasses on your nose.)

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Podcast Ep. 23 Vid. 4

…and the formal, plural form for “your”?

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ваши мамы и папы тоже сделали капсулу времени.
..your moms and dads also made a time capsule.

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Podcast Ep. 23 Vid. 5

Here’s a nice example of a neuter adjective (“my”) rhyming with a neuter noun (“letter”)…

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Это моё письмо. Можно я сама?
This is my letter. May I (deliver it) myself?

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Podcast Ep. 23 Vid. 6

In this clip from the show LONDONGRAD, the taxi driver has been carrying up boxes. What does he say as he enters the apartment?

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Ну, всё. Это последнее.
Well, that’s all. This is the last (one).

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Podcast Ep. 23 Vid. 7

How do these two women greet each other?

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Привет подруга.
Hi, friend.


Ну, что у тебя случилось?
Well, what at you happened? (In normal English: What happened with you?) (You’ll master the word “сучилось” in Russian Accelerator :-))

Да, ничего не случилось. Проходи.
Nothing happened

NOTE: The “Да” here is functioning the same way it does in the phrase “Да нет”. It’s basically just emphasizing the negative part. Like saying, “Nah, nothing happened.”

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