Media Center Episode 15

Podcast Ep. 15 Vid. 1

The tip in Ep #15 is one of the most important for you, because it demonstrates the best way to learn grammar: Just notice the patterns.
And if I may add to that point here, I’ll say: Don’t worry about the meaning of new words. Not at first. Instead, just as my kids do, pay attention to how words change.
As in this clip. The guy (a frustrated, stay-at-home dad) is listing something. Just pay attention to the end of each word.
Did you hear all those “u” endings? (Often an “ai-yu” sound). Those are the “u” endings of “ya” verbs.

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Listen one more time…

He is listing all the things he has to do for their baby:
Я целый день дома с дочкой сижу. Кормлю, гуляю, убираю….гляжу, грею, вытираю…убаюкиваю, пеленяю и снова убираю, снова кормлю…а жена в это время на работе.
I sit with my daughter all day at home. I feed, walk, clean … iron, warm-up (he means milk), wipe … cradle, swaddle and clean again, feed again … and my wife is at work at this (whole) time.

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Podcast Ep. 15 Vid. 2

Can you get the chorus of this song?

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А я живу в России,
I live in Russia,

В самой крайней точке бытия.
At the most extreme point of existence.

Я живу в России –
I live in Russia –

Это просто Родина моя.
This is just my Motherland.

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Podcast Ep. 15 Vid. 3

(This film clip is very Soviet in style.) The word СВЕТ translates (in some contexts) as WORLD.
Knowing that, can you translate the opening lines?

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Где живешь ты на свете?
Where do you live on the world?

Где живешь ты на свете?
Where do you live on the world?

С кем ведешь ты сейчас разговор?
With whom are you having a conversation?

Again, we notice that very clear pattern: ТЫ verbs end with an “ish” or (in this case) “yosh” sound.

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Podcast Ep. 15 Vid. 4

The guys are having a party. Can you get the gist of their conversation?

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А пить будешь?
Will you be drinking?

Пить? Я?! Буду.
Drinking? I?! Will be! (In normal English: “Drinking? Me? Oh yeah!”)

А я не буду.
Whereas I will not be.

Что? Мама не разрешает.
What? Mama isn’t allowing you?

The brevity of their phrases here, and the words they use are both extremely Russian.

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Podcast Ep. 15 Vid. 5

In which city are they searching for good bananas?

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Есть ли всё таки шанс найти хорошие бананы в Москве?
Is there, all the same, a chance to find good bananas in Moscow?

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Podcast Ep. 15 Vid. 6

Where does Anatoly live?

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Меня зовут Анатоли Власов. Я живу в Лос Анжелосе, штат Калифония.
My name is Anatoly Vlasov. I live in Los Angeles, (the state) California.

У нас в городе большое событие. Технологический гигант Амазон…
We have a big event in the city. The tech giant Amazon …

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