Media Center Episode 2

Podcast Ep. 2 Vid. 1

The teacher is glad to see Yana’s dad arrive. Can you catch what the little girl says?

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Это не принц, это папа!
This isn’t a Prince, this is Papa!


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Podcast Ep. 2 Vid. 2

The clip fades in on the word ‘Stratocaster’, but after that, can you translate what he says?

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Это моя гитара.
This is my guitar.

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Podcast Ep. 2 Vid. 3

It’s obvious what product is being advertised, but still…good practice to listen for the key word. The real power of this clip, though, is in the rhyming. Give a listen, then we’ll discuss…

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Русский Стандарт….Русская водка номер один в мире.
Russian Standard….Russian vodka number one in the world.

Notice the forms of the word “Russian”. РУССКИЙ is the masculine version, to match the masculine СТАНДАРТ.

РУССКАЯ is the feminine version, to rhyme with ВОДКА. (Now do you see why I had to teach the word in today’s episode?)

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Podcast Ep. 2 Vid. 4

The woman tells the chef that this new soup of his tastes like the old one on the menu. (And she’s right.) But what does he say?

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Нет, это суп “Гурмэ.”
No, this is “Gourmet” soup.

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Podcast Ep. 2 Vid. 5

On this educational program, kids are introducing their families. In this long clip, a few words will be new for us, but can you follow along and get the gist?

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Это мой дом. Это моя семья. Это моя мама. Её зовут Ольга. Это мой папа. Его зовут Олег. Это я!
This is my home. This is my family. This is my mom. Her name is Olga. This is my dad. His name is Oleg. This is me! (LIT: This is I!)

Это моя семья. Это моя мама. Её зовут Алла. Это мой папа. Его зовут Саша. Это я!
This is my family. This is my mom. Her name is Alla. This is my dad. His name is Sasha. This is me! (LIT: This is I!)

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Podcast Ep. 2 Vid. 6

Hmm…what new word from Ep. #2 might we be on the lookout for in this one?

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Пепси…Самая вкусная кола в мире.
Pepsi…The most delicious cola in the world.
NOTE: We again notice the rhyming. This time, the adjectives “most” and “delicious” are in their feminine forms, to rhyme with “cola”.

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