Media Center Episode 20

Podcast Ep. 20 Vid. 1

Can you spot one of our new words from Ep. #20?

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Он всего лишь парень и он нервничает так же как ты.
He’s just a guy and he’s just as nervous as you.

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Podcast Ep. 20 Vid. 2

This girl has been telling everyone that the guy in the chef hat is her boyfriend. How does he respond?

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Я не твой парень, а ты не моя девушка.
I’m not your boyfriend, and you’re not my girlfriend.

Man, does he say that fast! The skill of native speakers (in any language) to speak blisteringly fast and yet still remain comprehensible is truly incredible.

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Podcast Ep. 20 Vid. 3

Can you a variation on an expression we learned in Ep20?

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Симпатичное платье. Новое.
Pretty dress. New?


Бывает. Можно на ты? Ты что, из Питера, что ли?
It happens. Can we speak informally? Are you what, from St. Petersburg or somethin’?

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Podcast Ep. 20 Vid. 4

A standard meet-n-greet right out of Russian Made Easy…

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Кстати, а как тебя зовут?
By the way, so…What’s your name?

Меня зовут Макс. А тебя?
My name is Max. And yours? (LIT: And you? — implying, And how do they call you?)

Ну, а меня Лифти.
Well, me they call Lifty.

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Podcast Ep. 20 Vid. 5

What’s the first word the woman says in this clip?

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Кстати, а ты нашла участок для нового проекта?
By the way, did you find a plot (of land) for the new project?

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Podcast Ep. 20 Vid. 6

Here, just listen for one of our new words from this lesson. The guy in the sailor shirt is hurrying his friend Grigory to go do something…

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Кстати, он не в рейс?
By the way, he’s not on a voyage, is he?

Вроде нет.
Seems not.

Отлично. Давай, Грегорий. Давай давай давай!
Excellent. Come on, Gregory. Come on, come on, come on …(go do the thing we just discussed)

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Podcast Ep. 20 Vid. 7

This clip is from a Russian time travel show. The guy who enters the room is the grown-up version of a kid named Pashka (Пашка). The old man is his grandpa (Дед is short for дедушка…”grandpa”)
Can you translate their exchange?

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А где Пашка?
So where’s Pashka?

Я здесь, Дед.
I’m here, Grandpa.

Я вам не Дед.
I, to you, am not Grandpa! (He says this because he doesn’t realize yet that the guy is his grandson but grown-up.)

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Podcast Ep. 20 Vid. 8

Shura had claimed he was sick. So his roomate Kostya is surprised to see him at this contest.

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Это пиво.
This is beer.

Да! Да, Костя! Это пиво. Но врач мне сказал, что–вот–тёплое пиво очень очень полезно!
Yes! Yes, Kostya. This is beer. But the doctor told me that, uh, warm beer is very very good for you.

Да вы что?!
You don’t say!

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Podcast Ep. 20 Vid. 9

Can you translate the whole clip? We haven’t learned all of this, but still..give it a try.

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Никита? Никита, ты где? Блин! Дома его нет.
Nikita? Nikita, where are you? Darn! He’s not at home.

Может он на работе ещё?
Maybe he’s still at work?

Нормально…а где стол, стуля?
Fine…so (then), where’s the table, the chairs?

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Podcast Ep. 20 Vid. 10

Oh, pancake! I forgot the car keys!

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О, блин! Ключи от машины забыл!
Oh, darn! I forgot my car keys. (Lit: The keys from the car)

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