Media Center Episode 27

Podcast Ep. 27 Vid. 1

“You’re late!” Cherry yells. And then what does she ask?

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Ты опаздала! Где ты была?
You’re late! Where were you?

Черри, я прошу прощение.
Cherry, I’m sorry.

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Podcast Ep. 27 Vid. 2

What do the kids say?

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Нет! Мы хотим собаку!
We want a dog!

О боже!
Oh gosh!

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Podcast Ep. 27 Vid. 3

Listen for…
1) TWO present tense “мы” verbs
2) ONE present tense “ты” verb
3) ONE past tense (plural) verb

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Дорогой Сергей. Мы поздравляем тебя с днём рождения.
Dear Sergei. We congratulate you with your birthday.

Мы знаем что ты очень любишь музыку, и мы с Игроем решили подарить тебе…Игорь, доставай…
We know that you really love music, and Igor and I decided to give you….Igor, get (the thing)….

Это тебе.
This is for you.

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Podcast Ep. 27 Vid. 4

Two pairs of inlaws. Just prior to this clip, the man on the left had offered some vodka to the man on the right. Can you catch some “we” conjugations?

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Ему нельзя. У тебя печень.
He’s not allowed. You have a liver. (Obviously implying, you have a BAD liver.)

Ну и что? У меня тоже печень.
So what? I also have a liver.

Знаем мы про твою печень. Знаем.
We know about your liver. We know.

NOTE: ПЕЧЕНЬ (liver) is what’s known as a soft-sign noun. This is a must-know phenomenon which we cover in Russian Accelerator in great detail. (And where I’ll show you the trick to learning once-and-for-all the gender of soft-sign nouns!)

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Podcast Ep. 27 Vid. 5

Hank and Max Thunderman come home from the store. Can you get the gist of what they say?

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Мы купили ей новую одежду.
We bought for her new clothes.

Смотрите что я купил!
Look (guys) what I bought!

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Podcast Ep. 27 Vid. 6

Having given his daughters money earlier in the show, Sergei asks them…what?

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Ну, что…Купили что-нибудь?
Well, what (as in: Well, what happened.) (Did you guys) buy anything?

(We) bought.

NOTE: I put the “you guys” and “we” in parentheses, because those words aren’t actually spoken. Instead they’re understood from the situation.

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Podcast Ep. 27 Vid. 7

We’re just trying to catch the last line here…it comes after the Mom asks, “Whom am I cooking for?”

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О! Борщик!
Oh, borsch! (He uses a diminutive form of the word)

Мам, мы с Папой пока гуляли, так наелись.
Mom, while Dad and I were taking a walk, we stuffed ourselves (with food).

Я не поняла, для того тогда готовлю?
I don’t understand, (then) who am I cooking for?

Не знаю, но я не хочу.
I don’t know, but I don’t want.

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