Media Center Episode 8

Podcast Ep. 8 Vid. 1

All of these clips for Ep #8 will feature our key new word “ХОЧЕШЬ”. In this first one, the woman will say it twice as part of a common Russian expression.

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А возьми вот это. Эксклюзив.
Take this one. It’s an exclusive.

Вот это?
This one here?

Ну, не хочешь, как хочешь.
Well, if you don’t want, then as you wish. (Meaning, “then don’t take it.”)

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Podcast Ep. 8 Vid. 2

We hear that key phrase again: “As you wish.” Listen…

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Давай на вокзал.
Let’s (go) to the train station.

Ну, как хочешь.
As you wish. (Or: “Whatever you want.”)
NOTE: The clip is from a fun time-travel movie called ‘Back to the USSR’ (назад в ссср)

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Podcast Ep. 8 Vid. 3

In this clip, the guy is explaining to his son the fun things they have at the park. Again, listen for it twice.

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Хочешь…атрракционы. Хочешь…вон мороженое.
If you want, (there are) rides. If you want…over there is ice-cream.

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Podcast Ep. 8 Vid. 4

In this clip (from a dubbed episode of SAM & CAT) notice what happens to the doll’s name when the girl wants it…

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Здравствуйте девушки! Как я могу вам помочь?
Hello, girls! How can I help you?

Николет…Габриела…и Бетани.
Nicolette…Gabriella…and Bethany.

Ух ты, Ким! Ты уверрена что хочешь Габриелу?
Wow, Kim! Are you sure you want Gabriella?

NOTE how we hear an “u” sound at the end of the doll’s name (Gabriellu) when she says, “…you want Gabriella.”

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Podcast Ep. 8 Vid. 5

And yet another example of, “As you wish.” (Or: “Whatever you want…”)

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Как я пойду? Все здесь, а я что, один уйду? Неудобно перед ребятами.
How can I go? Everyone’s here, but I’m gonna leave alone? It’s uncomfortable in front of the guys.

Whatever you want.
Ну, как хочешь.

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