Media Center Episode 1

Podcast Ep. 1 Vid. 1

Let’s start things off with three clips from a Russian talk show. The discussion is about how Russian business women should dress. Of the two words we learned for that, which version do you hear in each of these three brief clips?

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Part 1: бизнес-леди (biznis-ledi)
Part 2: бизнесвумен (biznis-vuman)
Part 3: бизнес-леди (biznis-ledi)
NOTE: Soon we’ll be transcribing everything (or nearly everything) people say in these clips. For now, though, we’re just trying to pick out words we recognize.

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Podcast Ep. 1 Vid. 2

What line of work is this guy in?

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Я – музыкант.
I’m a musician.

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Podcast Ep. 1 Vid. 3

In his song, what line of work does this guy say he’s in?

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Я – инженер.
I’m an engineer.

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Podcast Ep. 1 Vid. 4

Can you catch the final word in each of these two clips?

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Clip 1: бизнес-леди (business lady)
Clip 2: бизнесвумен (business woman)

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Podcast Ep. 1 Vid. 5

In the museum, Peppa is looking for a surprise. Both she and Papa Pig use one of our pronouns (“he” or “she”). Can you spot it?

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Он наверное маленький.
It is probably small. (She uses “он” because he’s refering to the masculine word СЮРПРИЗ.)

Нет, Пеппа. Он очень большой!
No, Peppa. It is very big!

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Podcast Ep. 1 Vid. 6

(Depending on context…) When referring to a masculine noun, Russians will use “он”
When referring to a feminine noun, Russians will use “она”
So, in this clip, is Sam referring to the masc. word for BIKE, or the feminine word for DOLL?

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Она просто прекрасна.
It (Literally: “She”) is simply wonderful.

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Podcast Ep. 1 Vid. 7

In this clip, a guy runs in saying their friend is in trouble. Is their friend a guy or girl?

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Где она?
Where is she?

Она…в воде! Пошли!
She…(is) in the water! Let’s go!

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Podcast Ep. 1 Vid. 8

What’s the name of the competition this man is introducing?

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Я – бизнесмен.
I’m a Businessman.

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Podcast Ep. 1 Vid. 9

Can you translate everything the woman says? (A few words are unfamiliar, but they’re cognates.)
NOTE: Her first two words are, “Yes, well..” (“Да. Ну…”)

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Да, ну..Президент Трамп – он не дипломат, он – бизнесмен.
Yes, well…President Trump, he is not a diplomat, he is a businessman.

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Podcast Ep. 1 Vid. 10

Everyone is fighting about which activity his kid should do after school. Are they talking about his son or daughter?

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Чем она хочет заниматься?
What does she want to be doing?

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Podcast Ep. 1 Vid. 11

They’re talking about his client. Is the person a man or woman?

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Но она?
Она мне говорит: Завтра в девять часов вечера в ресторане “Роза Любви.”

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Podcast Ep. 1 Vid. 12

Yigor is asking his son about his wife’s new dance partner. A man or woman? (And how many times do you hear the pronoun?)

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Он какой вообще?
How is he in general? (Meaning, what does he look like)

Пап ну, я там всего один раз был. Ну дядка просто какой-то!
Pop, well, I was there all of one time. Well, just some guy!

Ну дядка…ну, он какой? Он симпатичный или урод?
Some guy…well, what’s he like? Is he attractive or ugly?

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